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Hearing during COVID-19
Being at home more than ever before with our family can be so great to reconnect with together time, get those odd jobs around the house finally done and even catch up on TV shows together.
But the downside is being close together can lead to frustration and relationship strain if one family member is constantly saying ‘Pardon’. Hearing loss, even mild, can have a major effect on everyday conversations.
Kelly-Mare Korcek, Senior Audiologist from Hearing Sense on The Parade in Norwood says “The most common type of hearing problem is a high frequency loss from age or working in noise. This doesn’t affect volume as much but definitely affects clarity.” In other words, the person can hear their partner’s voice but the exact words are not clear.
During COVID-19 where many people are under pressure or feeling tense, this added frustration can become a problem. “Even needing the TV louder than the rest of the family can be obvious and may cause an issue,” says Kelly-Mare.
Here are some questions to see if you or a family member may be suffering the effects of hearing loss.
- Are you needing the TV volume up louder than others at home?
- Are you saying pardon and is your partner frustrated with repeating themselves?
- Are you having trouble hearing clearly on the phone, which is so important these days for connecting to friends and family?
- Do you have trouble hearing if your family is not looking at you or talking from another room?
- Is this affecting your relationship?
If you have answered yes to any of these questions, it is worthwhile reading on…
Below are some communication tips to help:
- Try to be in the same room when talking. Having the light on is also good as it provides visual cues from lips and facial expressions.
- Try to say the person’s name before speaking to get their attention.
- Consider captions for the TV. You could also try adding a little more treble into the sound to enhance clarity.
- If someone says pardon, try to rephrase rather than repeat the same sentence – for example say “I’ve put your socks in the laundry basket” rather than “They are in the laundry”.
- Try to reduce noise before talking – turn the TV or music down before having that conversation.
- If you have hearing aids, wear them all day.
Getting your hearing professionally checked is also a good idea and Hearing Sense on The Parade offer this as a FREE service. They are considered an essential service and are open Monday to Saturday 9am – 5pm.
“We provide free comprehensive professional hearing tests to all patients over the age of 26,” says Kelly-Mare. Untreated hearing loss can have long lasting impacts on your relationships but also on brain health. Research has shown that untreated loss increases your risk of dementia. Tinnitus, or ringing in your ears, can also be an early sign of hearing loss.
Hearing Sense is owned by a husband and wife team of Hearing Specialists, Kelly & Pavel Korcek, who are passionate about helping people hear better. They are 100% independent meaning they offer hearing solutions options from all brands and don’t recommend only one product. They are also accredited under the Office of Hearing Services program to provide free hearing aids and services to all pensioners & veterans.
“We also offer Lyric which is a pretty amazing device and only available at 3 clinics in Adelaide,” says Kelly-Mare. This device is 100% invisible and placed in the ear canal where it can be worn day & night for months at a time. “It is perfect for clients who have trouble managing batteries or putting in their hearing aids as it just sits in the ear and you hardly know it’s there. Also great for anyone who is more conscious about wearing an aid.”
Hearing Sense also offer Telecare and can program hearing aids through apps if you prefer to stay at home for treatment.
Simply call 8331 8047 to book your free appointment or visit their website www.hearingsense.com.au for more tips and information of types & causes of hearing loss.