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Celebrate spring with these fresh, easy to prepare recipes


Spring is a time of abundance, when an emergent sun warms the still crisp air and farms begin to fill with vibrant produce. That’s the cue to swap hearty winter ingredients for something lighter by adding a burst of green to your meals and these recipes distil the best seasonal produce into simple, easy to prepare dishes that are sure to impress.

All the ingredients can be found within a short walk at Norwood Place Parade, including seafood from Seafood on Parade, fresh produce from Metro Fresh and groceries from Foodland.

Atlantic Salmon with Soba Noodles, Ponzu & Asparagus

Cooking Time: 20 minutes

Serves 4

Ponzu is a classic Japanese sauce that combines the umami-laced saltiness of soy with tangy citrus and a hint of sweetness and is a perfect accompaniment for seafood dishes.


4 x 200 gram skinless boneless Atlantic salmon fillets

1/2 cup ponzu sauce

2 tbsp grated ginger

1 tbsp sesame oil

270 gram soba noodles

2 bunches of asparagus, woody ends removed and cut into thirds

4 spring onions finely chopped

1 packet roasted seaweed snacks to garnish (cut into strips)

1 jar Green Street Kitchen Kimchi - Thai chilli + galangal


  1. Preheat oven to 220°c and bring a large pot of water to the boil on the stovetop.
  2. Line a high sided baking tray with baking paper. Place salmon fillets on tray, leaving a gap of 2cm between each fillet.
  3. Mix together ponzu and ginger. Pour over salmon and bake for 10 minutes (medium-rare), 12 minutes (medium) or 15 minutes (well done). Only pour the marinade when you are about to bake the fish as the ginger will begin to cook it if done in advance.
  4. Once the water is boiling add soba noodles. Cook for two and a half minutes then add asparagus for a further 30 seconds. Drain and toss through sesame oil.
  5. Remove salmon from oven, pour the pan juices over the noodles and stir through.
  6. Serve the fillets whole on top of the noodles and garnish with spring onion, kimchi and toasted nori sheets with a small dish of ponzu sauce on the side.

Ruby Red Grapefruit & Honey Posset

Cooking Time: 15 minutes

Serves 6

This simple dessert is based on an old English dish and highlights a vibrant citrus variety that ripens towards the end of winter. Enhance the natural hue of the fruit by contrasting it with a brightly coloured serving dish.


600 mL thickened cream

1⁄4 cup runny honey

1⁄4 cup caster sugar

1 large ruby red grapefruit – zested and juiced (you’ll need 100mls of juice)

1 large ruby red grapefruit divided into segments

1 large lemon – zested and juiced (you’ll need 50mls of juice)


  1. Place the cream, honey, sugar and zest of both citrus in a small saucepan over a medium heat. Bring to the boil, stirring until the sugar dissolves then reduce the heat and simmer for two minutes.
  2. Remove the pan from the heat and slowly add the grapefruit and lemon juices, stirring well. Strain the mix through a fine sieve and then divide between six small serving dishes. Place in the fridge for at least six hours to set.
  3. Serve the set possets with an extra dollop of double cream and a segment of fresh grapefruit.

Ruby Red Grapefruit & Honey Posset