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Get your pool ready for summer


It’s easy to neglect your pool over winter but with warm weather well and truly on the horizon, now is the perfect time to turn your backyard into an aquatic wonderland in preparation for a long, hot summer

Adelaide Pool Mart has been helping local families enjoy their backyard pools for 15 years with comprehensive pre-summer pool checks and Senior Technician Toby Leiman has a few simple tips to help you get the most out of your pool this summer.


Find The Right Balance

Use too little chlorine and you’re at risk of starting an algae farm but add too much and the kids’ eyes will be stinging for days. Getting the right balance of chemicals is vital and Adelaide Pool Mart offers free water testing with an in-depth chemical analysis of both mineral and chlorine pools. “Just bring a water sample into the store and we do it right there,” says Leiman. “It only takes two minutes to check that all the chemistry is in balance and we can tell you exactly what needs to be adjusted.”

Keep Your Pool (And Your Weekend) Uncluttered

No matter how hard you try, some debris will always find its way into the pool and because the gum leaves in particular can affect the balance of the water it’s important to clean it regularly. “But if you want to save time on the weekend” suggests Leiman, “we’ve got a new range of robotic cleaners that can help you get back a few hours on the weekend so you can spend more time swimming.”

Start Your Summer Early

Pick the right spring day and you’ll get perfect swimming weather, but cool nights and mornings mean that it’ll be a while before you can use pool every day. That’s why Leiman recommends a range of electric heat pumps that can be installed in a matter of days. “Heating is a great way to speed up your summer, which is a good thing if you want to get swimming earlier.”