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Introducing Sanare, a healing sanctuary where psychology and wellness meets
Brigitte Zonta is not your average psychologist. And that’s a good thing. “In psychology we study science, and everything is accounted for. We don't talk about a spiritual or energetic field,” she explains. “But when you move into the space of wellness, it's more than just the mind.”
While many psychology practices have experts specialising in clinical, forensic or child psychology, Zonta brings in practitioners from a range of different fields that have formed a vital part of her own wellness journey.
“For me to be the best version of myself, I saw a kinesiologist and had reiki done. I had bodywork massage and hypnotherapy and I’ve seen a therapist,” she says. “There are so many other modalities that helped me along my way, and which I then started to refer my clients to because I know they work. And I found that those results trumped the clients that only did talking therapy.”
So when she started her own clinic, she decided to incorporate all of these methods into a holistic healing space. Located on George Street just steps from the Parade, Sanare Wellness brings together six practitioners and in addition to psychology and counselling offers hypnotherapy, kinesiology, massage, naturopathy and reiki sessions.
Because her background is in coaching psychology, Zonta is very results-driven and that’s an approach that informs Sanare. “Our niche is that we get results very quickly,” she says proudly. “We have clients who have seen therapists for twelve years, and they'll come in here three or four times and their lives have transformed.”
Since launching in March, the practice has been busy and Zonta puts that down to her holistic approach, as well as the ongoing effects of the last two years. “Covid brought a lot of things up and really showed us whether we were resilient,” she reflects. “It means people are starting to see the worth of investment in self.”
And just as every client has their own unique story, everyone has a different path to wellness. By keeping an open mind and considering a range of therapies, Zonta has been able to achieve lasting results for many of her clients. “I don’t want you to be in pain for longer than you need to be,” she says. “And I'm not a one stop shop. It would be naive for me to think that I am the only person that can help somebody on their journey.”
“What sets us apart is that I’m a psychologist, but I acknowledge that I'm not the be all and end all. I acknowledge that there are other ways that my clients can get help and get results… I am forever learning and that makes me flexible and allows me to get good results.“