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The Cat’s Pyjamas Is Bringing Sustainable Fashion to Magill Road


If you’ve driven past Buyers Market lately, you’d be excused for thinking the antique store is jumping on the Barbie bandwagon. But the flurry of bright pink flags out front actually belong to Cat’s Pyjamas, a new sustainable fashion concept inside.

Step through the front door (or easier still, walk from the carpark accessed via Glynburn Road), and follow the signs to discover row upon row of pre-loved designer clothing. But rather than buying in their own stock, Cat’s Pyjamas rents out racks to sellers who fill them with clothes they no longer need.

The rules are pretty simple. “We ask for clean clothes and nice designer stuff – not Kmart or Target,” explains store manager Alice Verity. “We don’t take commission and we don’t influence the prices, but we’re happy to advise if people want some help.” It means sellers can free up space in their wardrobe and make some cash at the same time, while shoppers can find some great bargains with household brands discounted by up to 70%.

“There are 50 racks and they vary in size but the number of garments is in the thousands,” says Store Assistant Alisse Di Fabio. And while there are plenty of bargains waiting to be found, there’s another key aspect of the rent-a-rack model that is even more important.

“I’ve always been into sustainability and recycling, and I’m studying the circular economy with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation,” Di Fabio says. And by encouraging customers to repurpose existing garments rather than buy new ones, the sustainable fashion movement is significantly cutting down on waste from an industry that generates 10% of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions.

“When you use rent-a-racks, you can feel good knowing that you’re supporting sustainable fashion but also making a profit at the same time – it’s a win-win situation,” says Verity. And Di Fabio adds that they have plans to spread their message even further. “A lot of thrift shopping and circular economy recycling is geared towards women, but we’re trying to increase the men's selection because it's just as important that men get involved and do their part as well.”

Since opening in April, Cat’s Pyjamas has attracted a growing number of regulars drawn by both the sustainable model and the thrill of seeing racks filled with new stock each week. And “as long as people are pricing their clothes right, they walk straight out the door so we encourage sellers to top their racks up with new stuff during the week as well.”

As an incentive to start planning your spring clean, book any size rack by the end of August (including future bookings) and you’ll get a second week free.