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Greater Adelaide Freight Bypass


Adelaide is unique among Australian capital cities in that the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator’s heavy vehicle network, the primary arterial route, moves through residential neighbourhoods and directly past schools, preschools, homes, aged care facilities and churches, exposing vulnerable community members as well as motorists, cyclists and pedestrians to unnecessary risk.

View infographic - Heavy vehicle movements and impacts:

Greater Adelaide Freight Bypass Fast Facts Graphic

Refer to the information sheet below for further details and data sources.

With the ever-increasing number of large freight vehicles using the South-Eastern Freeway and subsequently, Portrush, Glen Osmond and Cross Roads, the safety of all road users is paramount.

In November 2023, the Federal Infrastructure Priority Review Project resulted in Federal funding being withdrawn from five critical road projects in South Australia, among these, the Truro Bypass, which would have significantly reduced heavy vehicles on local roads in the City of Norwood Payneham & City Peters.

The Council supports a renewed focus on the creation of the Greater Adelaide Freight Bypass (GAFB), to reduce the volume of heavy vehicles on Portrush and Glen Osmond Roads.

The Council also supports calls for the reinstatement of Federal funding to develop the GAFB, including the Truro Bypass project, to achieve national productivity goals.

Working with councils across the affected region, the Council is advocating State and Federal MPs for Commonwealth intervention and support towards the creation of an Adelaide Hills Freight Bypass and will continue to advocate regarding the City’s ongoing safety concerns.

For further information, download: Greater Adelaide Freight Bypass Information Sheet